HE 207 Stress Management

Students learn the theoretical and scientific basis for the various components of stress, the stress response and the relaxation response. Students learn how to recognize and cope appropriately with physical, occupational, social, school and environmental stressors. The course emphasizes achieving lifestyle balance and shows students how to develop and practice physiologic relaxation techniques and stress reduction methods.




Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Identify several personal, environmental, school or work stressors. Distinguish between physiokigic relaxation techniques, distractions and stress reduction methods for stress management. Explain the basic elements of the stress response. Demonstrate the basic elements of the relaxation response. Name several stress management techniques. Explain how personal balance and stress management are interrelated. Discuss the concepts of stress, optimal stress, distress, eustress, burnout, rust off, performance, alter, adapt, avoid. Explain why zebras donäó»t get ulcers. Explain the difference between ABCDEF and Thought Stopping as techniques. Define stress and name the key historical figures in stress and relaxation theory and the research around it. Explain and demonstrate the difference between assertive, passive and aggressive behavior. Tell what GAS means in terms of the stress response. Name several physiologic characteristics of the stress responses and the relaxation responses that they have personally experienced. Explain in detail the fight, flight or freeze response. Write and maintain as stress journal on a daily basis. List and demonstrate the characteristics of Exercise for Relaxation. Recognize the relationship between nutritional practices and the stress response. Continue to practice several stress reduction methods and physiologic relaxation techniques after this class ends. Say that I have improved my ability to manage stress in my life. Organize and deliver a five to ten minute presentation to my classmates about some aspect of stress in my life. Communicate clearly a I like or an I want statement to classmates.