The Learning Center—Albany Campus

Willamette Hall 200, 541-917-4684

The Learning Center contributes to student engagement and success by providing free services that improve students’ academic thinking, writing, and learning skills. Professional staff and tutors provide the “insider knowledge” new students need to thrive at the college level, overcome learning challenges, and achieve excellence in their chosen programs. The Learning Center space offers an informal learning environment with great lighting, open study areas for group collaboration, reservable study rooms, portable whiteboards plus computers and office supplies that busy commuter students value in an on-campus study space.

Services include:

Math Assistance The drop in Math Domain provides a supportive place where students can get help with all LBCC mathematics and applied mathematics courses. Friendly staff use a variety of strategies to address each student’s learning needs. At the drop-in desks, staff answer computational questions, explain course technology and clarify thinking about math assignments. Group study staff provide a collaborative setting for students who seek longer, in-depth assistance to improve their conceptual understanding, study strategies, critical thinking and confidence solving problems. No appointments are necessary, and all students are welcome to use the Math Domain’s portable whiteboards, study tables or study carrels to work on math homework.

Writing Assistance In a warm and welcoming environment, the Writing Center staff assists students with writing assignments from any class and at any stage of the writing process. Students can drop in, make a 30-minute appointment, or submit their work online through the Online Writing Lab (OWL) available through the Learning Center’s website. Written responses are provided within hours during normal operating hours. English Language Learner specialists also orient international students to American college conventions and facilitate student success in writing, reading, speaking, and test-taking.

Computer Access Students may use drop in computers located in the open study areas for coursework. Wireless Internet access is provided throughout the facility. 

College Skills Zone The CSZ offers an interactive classroom and study space where students studying foundational writing and applied learning strategies can drop in to explore thinking, writing, and learning strategies that lead to college success and better grades.

Student Work Area A coin-operated copy machine, pay-for-print service, and other office supplies are available.

Testing Center Instructors for below 100 level college preparatory mathematics and writing courses may arrange for their students to take tests in the Learning Center's quiet testing environment. Photo ID is required. Cell phones and smart electronic devices are prohibited. Students must begin their tests no later than one hour before closing.  Lockers are provided.

Tutoring Students are eligible for free individual tutoring appointments in many credits courses at the Tutoring Center, and may schedule tutoring sessions online using the TutorTrac program. Weekly Tutor Assisted Study Support (TASS) sessions to review course concepts are offered when there is sufficient student interest. Students may find more information about tutoring and TASS by visiting the Tutoring Website:

Physical Sciences Help Desk The drop in Physical Sciences Help Desk located on the first floor of Madrone Hall provides a supportive place where students can get help with LBCC Physics and Chemistry courses.