TA 295 Touring Children's Theater

This course is a workshop/rehearsal/performance course in traveling childrenäó»s theatre. Student will prepare a short original play for presentation at area primary and elementary schools for Kindergarten-2nd grade audiences. This piece will be built, rehearsed and toured by the members of the class during the Fall quarter. Course may be repeated more than once.




Offered Fall only


Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course

General Education Requirements

AAOT Arts & Letters,


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Rehearse and perform as part of an ensemble cast adhering to strict attendance policies. Demonstrate the techniques of childrens theatre production. Use critical thinking skills to adapt to various performing spaces and audiences in a touring situation. Interact with young audiences. Engage young audiences in the service district in the Arts, exposing them to a variety of world theater traditions and cultural stories. Understand the cultural richness and Arts benchmarks for elementary age students and create content appropriate and conducive to those outcomes. Maintain a professional attitude and decorum during rehersals and on tour. Actively participate in load and in strike for each performance. Complete work on technical aspects of the production scenery, properties, costumes. Evaluate the quality of their work and that of their peers. Gain real works production experience, improving self confidence and communication skills. Interpret and engage in the Arts, making use of the creative process to enrich quality of life. Critically analyze values and ethics within a range of human experience and expression to engage more fully in local and global issues through the creation of a piece of theater.