AH5. 440 Interprofessional Education I

The Interprofessional Education Course (IPE) introduces students to the basic concepts and practices needed to collaborate effectively. The content of these courses will complement the non-technical competencies that already occur in each program's curriculum. In the IPE courses, students will learn about the roles and responsibilities of various healthcare professions. They will also learn and practice the skills that enhance collaborative practice and interprofessional communication.




Required: Admission to the Nursing program.


Career Technical Education (CTE) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Effectively use interpersonal skills that enable them to establish and maintain therapeutic relationships with patients and other members of the health care team. Identify and solve problems that require the integration of multiple context when performing patient care. Utilize research and evidence based practice and apply relevant finding to the care of patients. Collaborate with clients and with other health professionals to develop a plan of care to achieve positive health outcomes for their patients.