ST 105 Sterile Processing

Focuses on understanding and implementing the necessary skills required for students who wish to function in entry-level positions in the Central Service and Sterile Processing departments of healthcare facilities. Involves hands-on learning combined with online didactic that is based on the Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA), formerly (IAHCSMM), curriculum. The course is designed to prepare students for success on the HSPA examination and become Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST). 

Central Service Technicians/Sterile Processors process, store, and distribute medical and surgical instruments, supplies, and equipment for operating rooms and other areas of hospitals and healthcare facilities. They understand and apply principles and methods of sterilization and infection control. 

The course includes 44 hours of online didactic instruction and 22 hours of hands-on, in-person lab.

400 Hours

To obtain your HSPA certification as a CRCST, 400 hours of on-site training in Central Service is required which would be the responsibility of the student once completing the Linn Benton Community College class.  We recommend that you look into where you might be able to earn these hours before enrolling in the course.




Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
List the duties and requirements of the sterile processing technician in the healthcare setting. Identify common pathogens found in the medical setting and the precautionary measures healthcare workers take to minimize the risk of contracting diseases. Identify industry regulations and best practice standards common in the sterile processing field and the organizations responsible for setting the regulations and standards. Identify common and complex surgical instruments, industry approved practices for decontamination, sterilization, and storage of medical supplies and equipment, and the proper ways to transport medical supplies and equipment. Identify procedures for effective inventory control and tracking of instruments, supplies, and equipment. List the quality assurance practices and workplace safety procedures.