APR 270 Automated Material Handling

Provides an introduction to automation and production line technologies. Includes developing a working production line that includes sensor technology, electro-pneumatics, motor control technology, and programmed control. Emphasizes maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of manufacturing systems as well as energy efficiency.




Career Technical Education (CTE) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Analyze and document the operation of industrial flexible manufacturing equipment. Explain and place in context the various components that make up an automated material handling system, including transport, production, and assembly systems. Working in small teams (3 or 4 persons), develop PLC programs to control industrial manufacturing equipment. Working in small teams (3 or 4 persons), employ a logical, systematic approach to troubleshooting industrial manufacturing equipment. Working in small teams (3 or 4 persons), explain process and/or rationale for determining faults when troubleshooting industrial manufacturing equipment. Develop a maintenance schedule for a complete industrial manufacturing system.