Understanding Course Numbers

All lower-division transfer and career and technical courses are taught at a college level. Courses with letter prefixes and numbers of 100 or higher (for example, WR 121, BI 103, MTH 111) usually transfer to a four-year institution. However, some career and technical courses also have numbers of 100 or higher.

Letter-prefix courses that have numbers below 100 or numbers that include a decimal point (for example, MTH 065 or HT 8.102) generally will not transfer to a four-year institution. However, there are some exceptions; see your advisor concerning transferability.

You are not limited to taking all transfer or all career and technical classes; you may mix and match them depending on your program. Consult your advisor.

If a course number is changed from a career and technical number to a transfer level number, the transfer level number will appear on your permanent record only if you took the class after the change was approved.