Social Media Specialist

The Social Media Specialist certificate is a 12 credit certificate offered through the LB iLearn Campus and is designed to provide social media students with a foundation and skill set that successfully allows them to implement effective and engaging social media. Students will gain hands-on experience in a range of social media platforms and tools as well as learn how organizations are leveraging social media for communications and outreach. Additionally, students will be able to discuss policies to manage a public social media account and the distribution of information.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Create, maintain and manage existing Social Media accounts.
  • Discover emerging Social Media technologies.
  • Recognize and describe social networks and their properties, participants, history, and development.
  • Understand how personal account settings (anonymous accounts, false identities, and multiple identities) affect the community formation.
  • Understand the importance of monitoring and responding to the social media community.
  • Formulate and implement a social media marketing plan.
  • Explain and understand how different organizations within the same market utilize social networks to share or market information and ideas
  • Describe how social networks can influence political movements or decisions.
  • Understand and effectively utilize copyrights related to social media.
  • Explain the characteristics of digital content including the life of information, the restrictions of the communication medium, and ownership of the information.
  • Understand, discuss, and acknowledge limitations of account and sharing policies in various social networking platforms including ethical violations.
  • Recognize liability related participation in social media.

Program Requirements

Applicants must be in good academic and financial standing at LB iLearn Campus in order to be admitted to this program as well as meet college ready criteria.